Are You a Lash Beginner?

Table of Contents
luxe lashes and training

By Britta Krueger

You have probably thought long and hard about this before deciding to start your venture into the lash world. It is such an exciting time!

So many dreams and plans and every day offers new opportunities. You will have a vision in your mind of how you want your business to work out and how your life will be when your dreams come true!

So, first, step first……

When you start THE most important part is to book really goods training. Saving a few pounds can be a make or break decision and ruin your business before you even begin.

So, do your research, speak to the trainers, read feedback or even ask online if anyone has trained with that company and then make an informed decision. You need to take the full package into consideration which includes

  • The training day

> What does the training include

> Are you offered a kit

> Are the training methods and products up to date

> How many people are training on the day

> How long is the training

> What is the support after the training 

> Is there a network or group to help you get started afterwards

These are just some of the most important questions you need to ask. Don’t try and save a few pence thinking you can brush up on knowledge by watching Youtube videos afterwards.

Let’s look at the options you have…

A good training course will leave you inspired, motivated and excited. You will have the necessary knowledge to start practicing and soon start gaining experience and earning money.


A bad course will leave you out of pocket, frustrated, disheartened, disappointed and annoyed. You will browse YouTube and the internet for advice and try all sorts of misleading and confusing tips from fellow therapists(not trainers). It will take a lot longer for you to gain experience and learn good and safe techniques which in turn is actually costing you more than starting with the right course and earn money straight away.

Don’t be frustrated when your tweezers don’t behave at the beginning. Don’t throw them away when you feel as if the lashes don’t want to stay on or you are struggling to isolate your clients’ natural lashes. 

These things are totally normal and happen to everyone. With the right training, you will have a good backup and support group of trainers and fellow therapists who will help with encouragement, motivation and advices so you can build on your passion for lashes and grow your little business successfully.

Training is the first port of call for you to get started but the product side should not be underestimated either!

Your trainer should supply or suggest a high-quality kit for you to use. The main advantage of using a kit from your trainer is that you can learn how to get the most out of your products. If your trainer is using those products in courses and treatments he/she will be experienced enough to help you with advice and recommendations. Don’t fall into the trap of buying a cheap kit online from auction websites or abroad…… “buy cheap buy twice” comes to mind. 

There is a risk that you will not get good results and you will also not have local support to help with any product queries or questions. When considering buying products from abroad you need to be aware of a lot more as it involves import fees and taxes, product assessments and registration and other documents you will need to legally import the products and be covered by your insurance. Please don’t take this lightly as it can cost you very dearly to fall into this trap. 

Especially as a newbie you want to make sure you learn from the best, use the best and get the best results for your clients. After all, this is your business and you want it to succeed! Taking shortcuts will not earn you brownie points in the future (ask any successful business owner and they will confirm). High-quality products, knowledge, skill, passion and dedication for your business will make you stand apart from your competition.

Do you research and see if you can associate with a brand if you can book training and a kit with a brand or renown company you have an instant advantage when it comes to advertising the treatment to your clients. Often you will find that those companies will also offer additional help in the form of marketing materials, support, advertising or methods to build your business and client base and they might even feature you or share your work which can have a fantastic and positive impact on your business and local recognition amongst your existing and future clients.

Try your best but don’t be too hard on yourself. Work hard to make the dream of your own business come true but don’t lose the passion. Enjoy each day, enjoy learning new things, enjoy looking after your clients and enjoy being the best you can at what you do!

Happy lashing.

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Nova Wang
Nova Wang
As lead editor at Focus Lashes, I'm passionate about all things that are lash-related. On this site, I'm exploring my interests related to the eyelash extension industry.

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