Five Effective Ways to Improve Your Customer Service

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customer service

Customers are tired of not feeling valued for spending top dollars in our lash salons. To be honest, they are the core to many of our successful businesses and without them, our doors would be closed. So, the question would be, how do we provide excellent customer service without our customers running over our businesses?

Here are some ways that will improve your customer services and do just that:

#1. Show that you Care

A customer should never be ignored or delayed on appointment time because of the lash technicians poor scheduling. When a customer walks into your business, a new customer or a regular, they should always be greeted. Acknowledging that person will make he or she feel that they matter or that you appreciate them being there. They chose you as their trusted lash technician,why not say “Hello”,or “Good Morning”. 

Since this is a time sensitive business, it is important to schedule services accordingly to avoid a customer waiting pass their scheduled time. There are many lash technicians that allot an extra 15-20 minutes in between each appointment to either clean up after the previous customer or take a short break to regroup for the next customer. While we enforce customers to respect our time,we must respect theirs also.

#2. Educate yourself on your Services/Products

Are you current with the latest eyelash training and information? Are you providing the right maintenance products for your clients? As we all know social media has been the “Go To” for information about anything that we want to research. So as lash professionals, we must take it a step further and learn from other lash masters, companies and associations on the proper techniques or latest information within the lash community. This will allow you to answer some of the questions that your clients/customers might have. They will appreciate and value you more for your thorough knowledge.

#3. Enforce Customer Polices

We all should have our business polices in place. You know that famous quote “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” (Benjamin Franklin), well it is true. Having our policies in place will prepare you for high quality customer service. Policies are not meant to control your customers or to be the “Mean” lash artist, but policies will allow them to respect your business. The trick is, you and your team must put this into practice daily in order for it to work. For example, one day you cannot allow your customer to come into their appointment 30 minutes late without consequences and expect them to respect your Late Policy fee. So, let’s start today using these polices as a form of clear understanding to both parties.

#4. Ask for Feedback

Don’t be afraid, ask away! Most of us are afraid of what our customers really think of us or how we run our business. The truth is, we need to know their thoughts so that we can better serve them. How can we Grow, if we do not Know! If it is a customer complaint, try turning it into a positive. See what you can do to make it better. If it is a compliment, add it to your positive list to continue doing that positive thing and maybe even adding to it. Your customers will feel like you value their opinion and continue to market your business in a positive way.

#5. Respond

The best way to help show that you value the customer is to respond to their needs. Imagine yourselves on the customer end and decide how you would want to be treated if you had a problem or just needed a questioned answered. If you are busy at the time, let the customer know that you have acknowledge their message and will get to them as soon as possible. So, lets strive to be more attentive to the customers’ needs, listen to what they have to say and respectfully respond to any unanswered questions or concerns in a timely manner.

All these important ways to lead to a better and more effective customer service, will take your business to the next level of success. Customers will remember the great experience they have with you and how special you made them feel. The goal is to have happy, returning customers.

Now that you have the blueprint to help with the success of your business,what is your next step of improvement?

By Chantee Collins(@luxlashesbycc)

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Nova Wang
Nova Wang
As lead editor at Focus Lashes, I'm passionate about all things that are lash-related. On this site, I'm exploring my interests related to the eyelash extension industry.

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