Instagram for LASH MAKERS & One Month Content Plan

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By Valeriia Sudilovskaya-Diachuk

Instagram presents a unique platform for lash artists to create visually engaging content, promote their services, and to connect with clients. Your page on Instagram is like having one big business card. Therefore, how it looks is very important. If a client sees a very beautiful page with interesting content – they will probably want buy whatever you’re selling.

Below is a list of recommendations to consider when creating a new page or to incorporate into your existing page following a content plan. 

Here’s a little bit about my instagram business account @lash_house_crimea

> It has 14.8K followers; 80% of our clients book appointments through our page.

> Pictures, text, and stories, are all created by me. I choose to personally do these tasks because this is how I feel and understand our visitors and clients. I create posts which all have a similar visual style. I also write about myself, which allows my clients to get to know me more. 

> I have an administrator who is responsible for booking appointments and responding to direct messages (scripts are used). Moreover, we also have an app where clients can book appointments themselves.

> I discovered that clients are more attracted to your business and products when they see your face. This can easily be done in your stories or when you make posts. People like to buy from people. In this way you can grow the trust of your audience and clientele.

7 steps to make your Instagram page work for you

Select a good profile picture.

A good picture could be your business logo, or even a picture of you! It’s common to find eyes or lashes being used as a lash maker’s profile, but… let’s be different, unique, and special!

Complete your profile information.

Who are you, and what is your work or interest? Even better-gibe a reason why are you special. Location. How to make a purchase or book an appointment. 

Highlights. Pricing, location and directions, customer reviews, work place environment, FAQ’s.

Adding stories.

I recommend at least posting 5 stories a day. Learn how to do this – it’s fun! Your stories can be about – free appointments, before/after results, reviews, service discounts, or products on sale. It can be anything that you wish to share with your clients and anything useful for them to know. Say you discover a delicious ice cream parlor – tell your clients? Let them know you care about them!

Post photos and videos.

Post once to max three a day – think quality of posts over quantity, less is more. Your posts should be diverse and present different themes. A content plan can help you with this. I really don’t like those pages where you can see only photos of EYES. My husband says it looks a little creepy. Your account will look better if you post pictures of your beautiful clients with your lashes, before/after results, your personal photos, the workplace, but please, not just of eyes. When you post a portrait of your client – visitors will notice the lashes and how they fit. You will get a lot of likes. When you caption the photo, think about your audience and those who will be looking at the post. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: BEAUTIFUL PICTURES

Create a new business account or convert your personal account into a business account.

A business account provides you with more tools to manage and grow your brand on Instagram. 

Make a content plan. Or, you can use my example template for your first month! What else works well? Activity.

  •     Labeling he lash lengths in a post (viewers will save them)
  •     Asking questions – engaging viewers and having a lot of comments will make your posts more popular.
  •     Doing live videos
  •     Using IGTV

截屏2021 09 04 下午9.37.07
截屏2021 09 04 下午9.29.25
Valeriia Sudilovskaya-Diachuk

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Nova Wang
Nova Wang
As lead editor at Focus Lashes, I'm passionate about all things that are lash-related. On this site, I'm exploring my interests related to the eyelash extension industry.

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