Moving Time

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eyelash extension salon

It has happened. The time has come to make a change. You realize your working space is too small for you, your clients and your services. You have to choose between keeping things the way they are and be happy about it or take a risk and move your business to a bigger location so you can grow your business.

It is scary taking the risk to change your location. There are just so many things to consider. The best way to find out what you want to do is to make lists, but where do you start?

We have made a list to help you out!

#1 Location

Make a list of all of your customers. Where do they come from? What is their traveling distance? What is their route? Traveling time? Draw this on a map and look if there is a location in the centre that you would like to move to. Is this location affordable? Is it easy to reach? Maybe you wan to start in a whole new location, but you might consider the risk that will bring with decision if it’s really far away from where you are now. You might have to start from scratch. Make sure to tell your customers you are planning a move and what your options are. The feedback will help you a lot in making your own decision.

#2 Surface

Once you’ve found your location, it’s important to know how big you’d like it to be. Think about your current services. Are there any other services you would like to add? Do you want to hire staff to create the time to add other services? How much place do you need to make these services happen? What are your ambitions and what might the future bring on a realistic level? When you figure this out, it’s time to do some window shopping. What furniture do you need? Would you like a reception desk? How many toilets? Do you need a kitchen? Do you need a coffee corner? A waiting room? Draw a plan with the needed furniture and figure out how much space will be needed. Don’t shop for colors at this phase just yet!

#3 Branding

Now you know where you want your new location to be and how big it should be. Time for branding! It’s a new start, maybe it’s time for refreshment and new color branding. Do you still love your logo? Do you want to change colors? Look for some mood boards on Pinterest to help you out. Choose 3 to 5 colors to work with and what mood you want to translate on to your clients. Is it a clinical feel you want to give, or rather cozy, chic, bohemian, nature, … whatever feel it is, you can go crazy with colors. 

Time for window shopping again! Look for the furniture in the right color, paint, details, decoration. Make a list of all the prices that you find, this is important for your budgeting.

Also, it is important to find out how you want to raise your prices. You need to be able to pay for your new location and this comes with a price change. Consider going from a week to week menu to a price per hour. Let your clients know change is coming.

#4 Budgeting

Now you know exactly what you want it’s time to look for a place. Are you going to rent or are you buying a place? Go to the bank to see what is possible.

Make a list of the places you’d like to visit and write down the info and prices. 

Together with your other price lists you’ll find out what you need. Keep in mind, you always should have some extra budget for renovation. You might find the ideal location and find out there is still some renovation needed. Think extra walls, new electricity, plumbing, new floors, doors and toilets. 

#5 Start Planning

You have your budget, time to make some calls! Call all the locations you’d like to visit and make lots of pics to review the pros and cons when you get home.

When you’ve found your location, start planning dates. How much time do you need to paint, renovate, install furniture, everything? When will you do this? Do you need to plan extra space in your salon schedule? Make sure to notify your clients in time so nobody is disappointed. 

Calculate an extra week or two for worst case scenarios! You might have to wait a little longer for your windows, doors, or floor than expected.

Time to plan your opening! How big would you like it to be? Do you need decoration? Are you going to cater? What is your capacity? Is there enough parking space? What drinks will you be serving? This all depends on your budget.

#6 Marketing and Social media

The moment you have your plan all figured out, make sure the world knows! Update your website, update your online booking tool if you have one, update your social media. Send some mails to your client list.

Use Instagram and Facebook stories to keep people posted about your progress. If you are having a hard time choosing between colors of some chairs, post it on your story! Make a countdown. Maybe you should do some opening promotions or make a competition to win a service. Keep everyone interested!

#7 The grand opening

Enjoy your opening and make it happen. Use all your feedback for any tweaks later on and enjoy the compliments. You’ve worked hard for it and you deserve it!

You will come across many things you haven’t considered while planning everything. Try to pass your ideas through people you feel are important to you. You might come up with something you haven’t thought about before. Don’t forget your own health. It is a very time-consuming period and we tend to forget to eat, drink or rest. Make time for yourself and your family. Stay motivated and everything will fall into place. Good luck!

By Shey Peral(LaShey’s Lash Lounge&Academy)

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Nova Wang
Nova Wang
As lead editor at Focus Lashes, I'm passionate about all things that are lash-related. On this site, I'm exploring my interests related to the eyelash extension industry.

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